Saturday, February 5, 2011

Happy Birthday, Sista!! :D

Today is my sister Lindsay's 18th birthday! Lindsay, you are now officially a grownup. That's weird. ;) 

You are such a good sister. We have so much in common and have such a blast together... especially when we get silly. :) I love you!

 Me and Lindsay in September of 2010

Neat and orderly (usually) ;)
Adorable ;)
You are great!!!

Okay, I had to compromise on the "y", but doesn't everyone when there's a "y" in the name? 

I hope you have a wonderful day! Be sure to go tell her happy birthday! :)

Love you so much!!



Anna Katherine said...

I don't think I ever realized that you and Lindsay were sisters! Well, hope she has a GREAT birthday!

Taylor said...

Another happy birthday to Lindsay!! I love that picture... ;-D

Marissa said...

Happy Birthday to your sister! great picture :)

Unknown said...

That picture is! ;-) I wish I had a sister, but I still love my older brother Eric;) Happy Birthday again, Lidsay!!

Brittney S. said...

You're a teenage blogger too?! Oh my gosh! Haha, that is AWESOME! :)
