Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Another Taggy Post

Eldarwen at The Faithful Elven Princess tagged me this time! :)

1. Do you like chocolate? Love it!

2. Can you climb trees? Not really.

3. What continent would you like to visit? Europe

4. What Chinese year where you born in? I have no idea!

5. Are you a terrible artist? Yes!

6. List three movies you can't stand watching: Let's see, A Leap of Faith, Indian in The Cupboard, and The Borrowers.

7. Do you like to get up early or sleep in late? I'm an early bird. :)

8. What are some of your favorite books? The Bible, Stepping Heavenward, The Elsie Dinsmore Series, The Millie Keith Series, and The Lord of The Rings Trilogy

9. Have you seen any of the Star Wars movies? Yeah, I've seen them all at least once.

10. List three of your favorite Star Wars Characters: Mace Windu, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Yoda.

11. Do you like to play music or do you like to listen to music? Listen to it.

12. Are you big on sports? I really like to play them, but not watch them.

13. Do you read a lot? Yes! :)

14. Do you like fantasy? Depends.

15. Have you ever had a caption contest on your blog? Nope.

16. Do you sing a lot? Yep.

I tag anyone who wants to do this. Now for the award!

I'll award... Lindsay, Allison, and Adria.

Sorry for doing another tag post, but I don't like letting them pile up. :)



LocaChica said...

That was fun to read!
Oh, and I LOVE your blog look!!!! Too adorable :)

Haley said...

Thanks, Adria! :)


Leah said...

Hello! I am new to your blog!

I have been reading your sister's blog lately and I saw the link from her blog to yours' and thought I would stop by! You have a lovely blog. (I noticed that you and I have the same blog back round. :)You have good taste.) ;)

I enjoyed reading your tag. :)
I love chocolate too!
I am planning on buying the stepping heavenward book and devotional. Do you recommend it?

Wonderful blog and I am sure to add yours' to my side bar. :)

Many blessings!


Sarah Holman said...

I am going to do the tag! Thanks Haley!

Haley said...

You're welcome! I can't wait to read it! :)

Mrs. E said...

What a delightful tag! ;)

Blessings dear Haley!!

Love~ Miss Jen