Thursday, July 29, 2010

A Trip to The Dentist and Picture of The Sunrise

Earlier me and my brother went to the dentist. It's funny, no matter how well you brush, you're always worried about having cavities. I was a little worried and really glad to hear I don't have any! Yay! :D Josh was so grossed out by the flouride! It was a different kind than usual, and pretty gross, but he was really funny about it. ;)

Here's a picture of yesterday's sunrise. Can you tell I like to take pictures of sunrises? ;) It's a lot of fun, because they're different everyday.



Unknown said...

I love the sunset photo, Haley! Sunsets always make for beautiful pics!

However, I must tell you that the Mars story is a hoax. It's been emailed to me several times but it's been proven a hoax by several websites including NASA and If you want to read all about, just leave a comment on my blog and I can give you a link to the article saying it's a hoax. It would be really cool if Mars looked as large as the moon, but it's not true. Sorry again!

Rachel said...

Great and beautiful picture of the sunrise, Haley! God's creation is so, so awesome. :)

Thank you for letting us know about Mars! I need to remember August 27th at 12:30 am :D

God bless you, sister in Christ!

Haley said...

Thanks for letting me know, Eden. It's so annoying when people do that.

Alex Maria said...

Lovely picture!

Eldarwen said...

Oh Haley, that picture is gorgeous!! :D Haha, it's always good when you don't have a cavity. ;)

I mailed your letter this morning (because we FINALLY bought stamps:). I'm SO truly, deeply sorry it took THIS LONG to mail it to you!! Love you, girl!!


Alexandra! said...

Well, the picture won't load on my computer but I know it's *gorgeous* because all sunrises are! :)
Oh, and I'm glad you don't have a cavity!

Shannon said...

Sunrises, so beautiful and different evry time! Glad that your dentist report was good, healthy teeth always such a blessing!


Antoinette Petersen said...

WOW, I love the picture of the sunrise!!!! Very nice!


Miss Antoinette