Thursday, March 11, 2010

A Tag and Giveaway

Hey y'all!
Eldarwen tagged me, so let's get started! :)

1. Choose any amount of friends, blog friends or real life friends, and say at least two things(Or more!) you admire or like about them.

2. Tag the friends that you wrote about.

3.If those friends have blogs, make sure to link to them!

Even though I can't tag you, Eldarwen, I'm going to say a little about you. :)

Eldarwen, just about all your posts and letters make me laugh. You are so sweet and super fun to be around! I love your bubbly and cheerful attitude. Thanks for being such a good friend! Love you!!

Stephanie, I've really enjoyed getting to know you through blogging. You are such a sweet and fun person. Wouldn't it be fun if we could meet someday? I think it would! :)

Lindsay, I know Eldarwen already tagged you, but how could I not write about my sister?! So, Lindsay, you're such a great sister and role model. Thanks for being so patient and, well, just being you! :D Love you!

Also, Johannah is having a giveaway! Click here to enter. :)


Anonymous said...

Thank you, Haley! I've always enjoyed reading your blog, and I think it would be really fun if we could meet someday! =D

Eldarwen said...

Awww, thanks Haley! :)
